

At the most fundamental level oiapp is a communication tool, a smart task manager and a social network which fosters collaboration among those who are passionate about making the world a better place.

There are a slew of profound environmental and social projects established across the globe. Despite our highly connected world, these projects often go undetected. These small, efficient teams focus their time, effort and resources on providing services to their community. Often, they lack the time and ability to overcome obstacles in promoting or growing their initiative. 

That’s where we come in. Oaiapp is a new, up-lifting social community which can be accessed anywhere. From any mobile device, in any far off destination, users can instantly engage with other members across the world to contribute their skills, knowledge or resources. Worthy projects can now pool resources and be exposed to skilled workers, knowledgeable professionals, resources and  sustainable alternatives which will help them overcome their challenges efficiently and quickly. Together we can save projects time, possible stress and give them the encouragement to continue onto the next task.

Despite the overwhelmingly negative messages found in the news, society is actually incredibly inclined to small acts of kindness. We believe that these small acts can have a huge impact on environmental and/or social initiatives. These small acts can be in the form of information, skills, helping hand, material goods, donations or even unwanted items.

Our online community will make it easier to see waste in all its forms. We will explain how it can be a valuable resource, and help provide secure distribution networks for putting these underutilized resources to use.

To make it easier to engage and contribute to projects you believe in, when and how you desire, is our main priority.


Previous version:

TogetherWeCan be more efficient in our daily lives and by making some small changes we can feel better about the world we live in. We spend more time on our pocket computers because it is not only addictive but also more efficient in engaging with the world.


This online community is providing a better easier way to engage with the world. It is providing an all inclusive community that is user friendly, positive, feels good, and exposes you to best practices, sustainable alternatives and efficiencies and will empower you to overcome much of the negative energy in the world.

Doing the smallest of things are what matter most. Sometimes doing small acts of kindness have huge effects on making a persons day, a communities event, an organizations mission successful.

On a bigger scale, sometimes getting things done is just a matter of being able to see the opportunity or available resources or even the bigger picture. In this messy world everyone is competing for resources. Inevitably, lesser connected individuals, groups and projects are going to miss out, not that their idea was not good but because they were not connected. We all know how hard it is to access or effectively promote programs, critically needed resources, or trustworthy data on the web, that we need. Sure often it is there, but how many levels down on the internet or organizations website is this information located?

A lot of the time is spent on improving peoples lives. Even in organizations small groups doing good are just a small subset of a staff member’s job. This is unfortunate, because building and maintaining programs and systems is not easy. There are always issues with promoting the program, because people’s lives are always messy. Someone who is passionate about seeing something through still has the huge task of promoting or getting other engaged.

Small groups need to know that what they are doing is making an eternal difference.

Investing time into other people’s lives is not quick and easy.

What is difficult for one person will take someone else a few minutes. Engaging in projects in your community will be easy. Help can be in the form of information, helping hand, material goods or even unwanted items. Simply, donations can be anything that will help. To make it easier to engage and contribute to projects you believe in, when and how you desire, is our main priority.

Making resources more will be easy empowering you to help them with a challenging issue a project may be having saving them time, possible stress giving them the encouragement and energy to continue to the next task.

Our online community will make it easier to see waste in all its forms. We will explain how it can be a valuable resource, and help provide secure distribution networks for putting these underutilized resources to use.

Right from your phone you can engage our online community and enjoy helping make the world a better place. Pooling resources is the overall goal and mindfulness and optimism are the guiding principles. Please join us now and thank you for in advance for caring about what we leave for our future generations.

“IT IS ALL ONE” Projects whether big or small, home improvements, community focused, or businesses, have many similarities and needs. These resources and efforts are often inefficient or wasted. TogetherWeCan develop this online community and these systems and reduce unnecessary waste while strengthening the sustainability and success of our communities, businesses and global economies.


  1. Jeff Mack, July 23, 2020

    This copy needs to be updated with the shorter version

    The image also needs to be updated with newer one.